$cityNameCH企業海外拓點: 海外公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務


(1) 銷售產品至某個國家時,聘請當地人員担任行銷,銷售市場調查和售后服務活動。
(2) 爭取某個國家公民營工程專案時,聘請當地工程師及專業人員協助準備投標文件。
(3) 到某個國家採購原物料時,聘請當地人員負責供應商搜尋,採購,及產品品質管制檢驗等工作。
(4) 到某個國家外包勞務時, 聘請當地人員負責研究、開發等工作

E-mail to: tpe2ww.eos@evershinecpa.com

聯絡人: 蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
手機: +886-928-486-835
電話: +886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

台灣外資公司設立前-短期代僱服務 tpe4tw.eos

日本東京-短期代僱服務 tpe2jp.eos

美國舊金山-短期代僱服務 tpe2us.west.eos

越南河內-短期代僱服務 tpe2vn.north.eos

馬尼拉短期代僱服務 tpe2ph.eos

泰國曼谷-短期代僱服務 tpe2th.eos

韓國首爾-短期代僱服務 tpe2kr.eos

中國上海-短期代僱服務 tpe2cn.east.eos

新加坡短期代僱服務 tpe2sg.eos

印度新德里短期代僱服務 tpe2in.eos

德國柏林-短期代僱服務 tpe2de.eos

印尼雅加達-短期代僱服務 tpe2id.eos

為避免風險, 不要如此操作。最好自己設公司或申請稅號來處理,不然就使用永輝在各國提共的短期代僱服務。

(1) 銷售產品至某個國家時,聘請當地人員担任行銷,銷售市場調查和售后服務活動。
(2) 爭取某個國家公民營工程專案時,聘請當地工程師及專業人員協助準備投標文件。
(3) 到某個國家採購原物料時,聘請當地人員負責供應商搜尋,採購,及產品品質管制檢驗等工作。
(4) 到某個國家外包勞務時, 聘請當地人員負責研究、開發等工作






( EOS:Employment Outsourcing Services)或( PEO: Professional Employer Organization Services).

professional employer organization (PEO) is a firm that provides a service under which an employer can outsource employee management tasks, such as employee benefits, payroll and workers’ compensation, recruiting, risk/safety management, and training and development. The PEO does this by hiring a client company’s employees, thus becoming their employer of record for tax purposes and insurance purposes. This practice is known as co-employment.

In co-employment, the PEO becomes the employer of record for tax purposes, filing paperwork under its own tax identification numbers. The client company continues to direct the employees’ day-to-day activities. PEOs charge a service fee for taking over the human resources and payroll functions of the client company: typically, this is from 3 to 15% of total gross payroll.[4] This fee is in addition to the normal employee overhead costs, such as the employer’s share of FICAMedicare, and unemployment insurance withholding.

One service provided by a PEO is to secure workers’ compensation insurance coverage at a lower cost than client companies can obtain on an individual basis. Essentially, a PEO obtains workers’ compensation coverage for its clients by negotiating insurance coverage that covers not just the PEO, but also the client companies. This is allowed because, legally, the PEO is the employer of the workers at the client companies. PEOs can also offer basic levels of background & drug screening.

Using a PEO could potentially save the time and staff that would be used to prepare payroll and administer benefits plans, and may reduce legal liabilities or obligations to employees that it would otherwise have[5]. The client company may also be able to offer a better overall package of benefits, and thus attract more skilled employees. The PEO model is therefore attractive to small and mid-sized businesses and associations, and PEO marketing is typically directed toward this segment.[4]

Several variations on the PEO model exist, differing in the nature of the relationship formed between PEO and client company.

  • Administrative services organizations (ASO) are similar to PEOs, but do not create a co-employment relationship. Employees remain solely under the control of the client company. Tax and insurance filings are done by the ASO, but under the client company’s Employer Identification Number.
  • Umbrella companies, found primarily in the UK, act as employer of record for independent contractors instead of permanent employees. The contractors become employees of the umbrella company, but do not also become employees of the client. The growth in umbrella companies in the UK is attributed to legislation targeting “disguised income” by contractors performing the same duties as employees but hired via intermediaries.[6] The press release announcing the legislation, IR35, is often used to refer to the legislation itself.
  • Pass-through agencies are staffing firms that act as the employer of record for independent contractors, but do not obtain work for them. Like umbrella companies in the UK, the contractors do not become employees of the client.[7]
  • Global PEO and International PEO services are now being offered. Although the translation of applicable rules and regulations vary from country to country (The USA being the only country to formally recognize the PEO industry in statute.) such companies are able to deliver PEO services in 160 countries.
  • Financial intermediaries, also called fiscal intermediaries, act as an employer of record for home healthcare workers who serve disabled persons. This streamlines the process of hiring such workers, because neither the household hiring them nor government units that provide funding need to take on the duties of an employer.[8] They are part of the self-determination movement in disability care.

PEOs can benefit companies differently. For example, a blue collar organization may see more value in workers’ compensation insurance and vice versa. A variation of a PEO model without co-employment is an administrative services organization.

Employment Outsourced Services Provided By Evershine

If your company doesn’t want to set up an WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Entity), but you will recruit employees temporarily or by project base, we suggest you adopt our Employment Outsourcing Services. It means Evershine will recruit your  expatriate or  local staff on behalf of your company. And then we will take care of all kinds of relevant local services including of payroll compliance and expenditure process.

Service Coverage:
*Work Permit Application recruited by Evershine
*ARC (Aliens Resident Certificate) Application
*Arranging Pick-up in  International Airport
*Arranging hotel or renting residence
*Arranging Trading center or Office renting
*Arranging opening bank account
*Arranging Cell Phone or Car renting
*Payroll Compliance
*Arranging Employees’ expenditure
*Annual Personal Income Tax when an Expatriates stay in Taiwan over 183 Days in a year.
*Other local services

*If you want to use your own  WFOE to execute payroll compliance, we will help you form it.

Service processes:

*Evershine will sign Labor Contract with your expatriates or local staff based on the term of your Employment Contract. At that same time, Evershine will sign Service Subcontract Agreement with your company.
*Evershine will apply work permit and ARC for your expatriates.
* Evershine will provide all relevant local service like airport pick-up, office arrangement, cell phone application, residence arrangement, bank account opening and medical insurance etc.
*Evershine will take care of payroll calculation and expenditure payment request of these expatriates and local staff. Then let you approve each payment and monthly payment sheet.
*Evershine will ask your company to pay us three-months salary as deposit fund before we pay salary and expenses to your expatriates and your local staff.
*Evershine will take care of wiring process to your Expatriates and Taiwan local staff.
*Evershine will take care of payroll compliance in Taiwan.

Advantages and disadvantages:

* Advantages: Adopting Evershine Employment Outsourcing Services, you need not to maintain a legal entity. You can quickly to assign a person. Of course you can withdraw your activities  very easily.
*Disadvantages: Adopting Evershine Employment Outsourcing Services, when you pay us Expatriate cost including salary and its expenditures, it need to add up  Value Added Tax according to  tax regulations. That will increase your cost plus VAT rate when comparing with executing payroll compliance by your own WFOE.
*The conclusion is: When your employment is few people and short-term, you can adopt our Employment Outsourcing Services. And when your operation become stable and long-term, you need to set up your own WFOE . Remember we can provide payroll compliance services to you in both scenarios.


E-mail to: tpe2ww.eos@evershinecpa.com

聯絡人: 蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
手機: +886-928-486-835
電話: +886-2-2717-0515 分機:104


柏林; 斯圖加特;阿姆斯特丹;布拉格;布加勒斯特;

永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
我們為IAPA會員所,總部在倫敦,全球300個會員所, 員工約1萬人。
我們為LEA會員所.總部在 美國芝加哥,全球600個會員所, 員工約2萬8千人。
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

請用下列電郵與我們聯繫: HQ4payroll.ct@evershinecpa.com

更多城市更多服務  請點擊 網站導覽


貴司只使用永輝考勤系統部分模組,我們將提供考勤資料配對上傳至永輝交叉比對作業服務模組,產生cross check report 給貴司人資處理。。



到某個國家外包勞務時, 聘請當地人員負責研究、開發等工作。







雲端系統支援雲端服務 ww2ww
永輝雲端薪資與考勤系統 與 系統間系統交換資料機制
國際架構-薪資與考勤相關服務項目 tpe2ww
學習系統-國家別薪資與考勤法規-知識代碼 (KM code)